Considerations for Your 2023 Marketing Strategy

As you start planning for 2023, what goals have you identified? Do you want to increase engagement on your social media pages?

Maybe you’d like to enhance your SEO program to rank higher in the search engine results pages.

Or will you try to increase online purchases with pay-per-click ads?

While a strong digital presence can play a crucial role in drawing visitors to your door, it may also be time to focus more on the quality of the customer experience you provide.

What do you want your visitors’ experience to be like? How might you improve it? Elevate it beyond your customer’s expectations?

Have you considered all touchpoints, from your building’s exterior to the internal environment to the impact your employees make?

If not, take a walk in your visitors’ shoes.

When you approach your building, what do you see?

As you enter the front door, what do you hear and smell? Is the layout easy to navigate?

Are team members present to greet and assist you? Is their performance reflective of your brand?

If there’s a reception area, do the chairs or couches look inviting?

Is there anything to do or watch while you wait? And how long do you wait?

What’s on the walls? Are there any visual representations of your brand?

If you notice room for improvement in your visitor experience, it may be time to implement a Sensory Marketing program. Scent Marketing, Audio Marketing, Video and Digital Signage, and Environmental Design are all strategic tools you can use to elevate the in-location experience and keep customers coming back.

When you’re ready to learn more, reach out to Jon.

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