Why Sensory Marketing Is as Important as Digital Marketing

There’s no denying the importance of digital marketing. It can expand your reach, create new customers and display your message where most people are now – online.

But what does that digital audience find when they arrive at your business? Does your physical space deliver on the expectations set by your digital marketing?

Consider Your Environment

Try to look at your store or office as first-time visitors might. What do they experience?

Is your flooring or upholstery worn? Are your walls bare or do they display engaging content? Is the lighting a unique asset or a detriment?

What does your environment smell like? Does the music grab your guests’ attention? Will visitors think of your space as branded? Intentional? An opportunity fully realized? Or will you leave them underwhelmed or disappointed?

Just one weak encounter can form lasting negative impressions for potential customers. That’s why it’s important to embrace every touchpoint as a chance to provide a positive experience.

How Sensory Marketing Can Help

An effective Environmental Design can express your brand within your physical spaces. For instance, altering your floorplan can make movement easier. And even reworking the basics – color, lighting, flooring and furniture – can create a dramatic difference that changes the energy in a room and lifts the spirits of your guests and employees.

With custom Video and Digital Signage content, you can influence how visitors spend their time in your location. Your content can inform, entertain and even relax visitors while deepening their loyalty to your brand.

Audio Marketing will greatly impact the “vibe in the room.” A carefully curated music playlist can support – or even help establish – your brand. And with point-of-purchase audio, you can add a human voice to the mix, welcoming visitors, sharing information and promoting products, services and special offers.

A branded aroma, also known as Scent Marketing, is the final piece of an effective Sensory Marketing strategy. That aroma can represent your brand and help it stand out from the competition. Plus, scent appeals to a part of the brain that’s linked closely to memory. So, when visitors smell your branded aroma again, they’ll be more likely to recall their interaction with your products, services and environment.

When you’re ready to explore how Sensory Marketing can help you provide an elevated, more memorable visitor experience, reach out to Jon Marker, Director of Business Development.

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